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Double arm mixers are used in bread and pastry bakeries for producing soft doughs such as those for confectionery, French bread , sandwich brea bread sticks etc. The bowl, the integral accident-prevention guar and the set of kneading tools are all made of stainless steel. PIETROBERTO PITCO POLAR WARE PRINCE CASTLE PUJADAS PUJADASPUJ1-367. Two speed automatic work cycle with mix resume function supplied with stainless steel or fibre glass safety guard.
Bakery Equipments And Stainless Steel Industrial Kitchen Equipments. Dough Mixer – Immediately Available!
Complete with stainless steel bowl and hook arm. Previously used at dessert manufacturing facility. View photos and details. Ask anything you want to learn about P by getting on ASKfm. Con oltre 1anni di esperienza nella progettazine e produzione . Our company has a well-working team composed of designers, technicians and collaborators of consolidated experience .