Un evento family-friendly ricco di invenzioni e creatività che celebra la cultura del “fai da te” in ambito tecnologico alla base del “movimento makers”. OPENING EVENT THE FUTURE IN THE MAKING. Padiglione – Room Sala Alibrandi Ingresso su prenotazione. La partecipazione è gratuita . Scuole e imprese possono presentare progetti su Industria 4.
Find event and registration information. Maker Faire , San Mateo, CA. Meer informatie over programma, deelname en tickets volgt op deze plek. Union Station Member Single Day Ticket. Members – To access your discounted ticket, please follow the steps provided here.
Child Single Day Ticket – $13. Adult Single Day Ticket – $16. Family of Single Day – $55.
Date Coming – Stay Tuned! Fiera di Roma e cresce sempre di più. Curata da Massimo Banzi, co-founder di Arduino, . Here makers gather to present their . Imposta un Ticket alert su TicketOne. We got to the Oracle parking site at 9:and were shuttled to the Event center in an air conditioned lux bus. Other sites used yellow school busses.
Older posts Older posts. Place:Liuxiandong Campus, Shenzhen Polytechnic. Designed by Press Customizr – Powered by.
Join us on September 23rd to experience the . A bristling medieval-village signpost points you toward the soldering area, or the fire arts zone, or the fun bike. RE Station: REpair, REmake, REuse. Naker: Rubber Band Airplanes Naker: Blacksmith – Kelly Backs Naker: HamRadio Group Naker: Zaffi Green Naker: Turtle Dragon 3D Naker: Artificial Intelligence Demo Art: Ecole Du Pacifique – jewelry. Please go to PleasantPrairie.
Presented by Centre for Life. Hosted in Newcastle upon Tyne.
A replica Adams- Farwell Car and an original Stanley Steam Car will be featured at the event. Now, it has featured more than 800-makers with nearly 110attendees. According to a press release, the M. Si è concluso ieri uno degli eventi che rimarranno nella storia moderna degli innovatori made in Italy.