Directed by Ulrich Seidl. With Ekateryna Rak, Lidiya Oleksandrivna Savka, Oksana Ivanivna Sklyarenko, Dmytro Andriyovich Gachkov. A nurse from the Ukraine searches for a better life in the West, while an unemployed security guard from Austria heads East for the same reason.
Un film di Ulrich Seidl con Ekateryna Rak, Paul Hofmann, Michael Thomas (II), Maria Hofstätter. Pelo menos no eixo Áustria- Ucrânia, via Eslováquia – o cenário onde se dão as importações e exportações do filme do austríaco Ulrich Seidl. De um lado, a ucraniana Olga .
E dire che è uno dei più allucinanti talenti del cinema europeo, amatissimo da Werner Herzog e presenza costante dei più importanti festival. Uno che si è fatto le ossa ed è riuscito a sviluppare il proprio concetto di visione, una cosa difficilissima . Now we turn to the Austrian film-maker Ulrich Seidl. Un montaggio parallelo ci.
Capitalismo e submissão. Se alguns filmes pretendem criticar certos aspectos do mundo, outros têm o mundo inteiro como objeto de sua crítica. The last film from the Austrian director Ulrich Seidl was Dog Days, about Viennese suburbanites broiling in the summer sun and being unspeakably vile to each other.
It was barely palatable, and brilliant – the sort of film you need to wash down with a stiff schnapps.
Olga (Ekateryna Rak) is a single mother struggling to raise her child with a very meager income from her nursing job in a Ukrainian hospital. In desperation, she takes a . And if you happen to . A woman emigrates from the East to the West, a man from the West to the East. Both of them are driven to move elsewhere, to a place where they can find jobs, a meaning for their lives and their own place in society. In his new film Import Export Ulrich Seidl follows two paths through the inhospitable modern worl telling the . One film about two fates.
The other one is about Paul, a young hooligan from the Viennese suburbs. Both are unemploye both are living on the edge of society. She believes that she will find her luck in the West. Whereas he ends up in the East . Import Export trama cast recensione scheda del film di Ulrich Seidl con Maria Hofstätter, Georg Friedrich, Herbert Fritsch, Susanne Lothar trailer programmazione film.
Import: Olga, a young nurse in the Ukraine, looks for a better life in the West. She emigrates to Austria and becomes a cleaning lady in a geriatric hospital, where an year old patient proposes to her. Export: Paul, a young Austrian ex-security guard is looking for a. Synopsis : Deux trajectoires évoluent dans des directions opposées. Esse momento nós não vemos.
Ulrich Seidl , diretor de Import Export , pertence à mesma linhagem de Michael Haneke (Violência Gratuita).
Não por acaso, os dois são austríacos. Vendo seus filmes, ficamos com a impressão de que viver num presídio brasileiro é menos sofrível do que na Áustria, ou mesmo na Europa.