BOLOGNA CATERING SERVICE S. Rastignano – Pianoro Via Nazionale,7 BANQUETING,indirizzo. Trasformiamo il vostro evento in un momento memorabile. In the modern room on the 1st floor, a rich breakfast buffet is served every morning . Rinfreschi, pranzi e cene di.
The farmers liked me and welcomed my truck on their ranches. They knew I worked hard and I always made friendly conversation . Gerist Ricevimenti at the Fortezza da Basso of Florence Tradefair: active in different catering environments, from conventions . The event organized by the Istituto Internazionale di Ricerca was a . IN FIERA DIRETTAMENTE al vostro stand prodotti freschissimi. Catering in fiera, colazioni, panini, sandwich e insalate.
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LA TAVOLA DELLA SIGNORIA – CATERING SERVICE. Lo staff tecnico-manageriale di TDS vanta una collaudata esperienza ai livelli più alti del settore e garantisce la . Available on request: catering services , taxi, chauffeur and car valet. Reserved lane for currency exchange, tax refun money transfer at Travelex points at the Airport.
Sede operativa e logistica. If you are located between Bologna and Imola, and you want the catering and refreshments at your party or event to be memorable, then you cannot do without our perfect and attentive service. That is why we refuse to compromise on what we offer when it comes to satisfying your needs and those of your guests.
The hotel NH Bologna de la Gare offers you excellent services and installations so that you can enjoy your business or leisure stay in Bologna (Italy). Services NH Bologna de la Gare. A14- South Rimini Exit ASouth Rimini, turn on the right, Rimini direction.
At the traffic light turn on the left, Bologna , Ravenna direction. REA Ufficio di Rimini n. Customers who choose Bologna as their event venue can count on our experience and a wide range of . Room with eight seats.
Dedicated catering service. External stage with panoramic view. Bookable eight seat room. Access to Platinum Area. Possibility to personalise your room.
Thanks to our creativity your desires will be. Compagnia del Gusto: voi pensate solo ad emozionarvi, al resto pensiamo noi.