CONNECTING AND PROTECTING COLD CHAIN. Thermo King Connected solutions provide customers with optimum traceability and temperature management, enhanced cargo protection and food safety, greater fuel savings, improved fleet efficiency, tighter security and better data management and utilization. Having real time temperature, location and alarms information on their refrigerated fleets increases their operational efficiency and reduces incidences of . Thermo King , a manufacturer of transport temperature control systems for a variety of mobile applications and a brand of Ingersoll Ran recently launched the next generation of TracKing , its fleet management system, across Europe. The updated TracKing solution can improve transport energy and operational efficiency .
TracKing consente la gestione e la comunicazione dei dati relativi al trasporto a temperatura controllata. Il sistema si basa su internet e sulla tecnologia GPRS: esso è in grado di trasmettere notevoli quantità di dati in tempo reale e di fornire informazioni sulla localizzazione dei mezzi. Надежный сервис – это наш приоритет. Thermoking Driver Operation on the TS Series Truck Units – Duration: 6:11. Bentley Truck Services Inc 2717.
Telematics Vehicle Tracking. TracKing is a flexible system that integrates easily with your fleet management system. Improve fleet up-time by .
Thermo King is proud to offer a new mobile communications system designed for use in trailer, rail or intermodal applications. Our goal is to provide customers with integrated solutions that enhance their logistics networks. Given the growing impact of European regulations on food safety, monitoring the transportation of perishable goods has become important now more than ever before. Thermo King has announced its new TracKing cellular web-enabled temperature management system, which complements its existing TracKing satellite system.
Both are wireless asset-management systems that provide real-time monitoring and tracking of untethered trailers. Using cellular, satellite and . Data-Driven Intelligence from Thermo King Refrigeration Units. Thermo King is making it easier for fleets to make use of the data from their refrigeration units by shipping its Precedent reefers already equipped with its TracKing asset management system.
Operating off the REB wireless communication platform, it is a flexible and comprehensive solution delivering . Fleets can now track equipment and communicate with refrigeration units in terminal locations, at remote locations while trailers are attached to tractors, or when trailers are untethered. System upgrades allow monitoring with proprietary Thermo King hardware and software or through third party devices . Thermo King , ha da poco la nuova gamma di TracKing , un sistema di management del parco veicoli. Thermo King says implementing both services for a new trailer . TracKing gives you the ability to monitor critical cargo temperatures, trailer locations, refrigeration unit settings and alarms through the dispatch process from pickup . It is a protocol interpreter box and connects directly to an open communication port on the Thermo King controller or datalogger.
Cargo-Link Door Sensors.
May be combined with TracKing to .