BOLOGNA CATERING SERVICE S. Rastignano – Pianoro Via Nazionale,7 BANQUETING,indirizzo. Trasformiamo il vostro evento in un momento memorabile. In the modern room on the 1st floor, a rich breakfast buffet is served every morning . Rinfreschi, pranzi e cene di.
The farmers liked me and welcomed my truck on their ranches. They knew I worked hard and I always made friendly conversation . Gerist Ricevimenti at the Fortezza da Basso of Florence Tradefair: active in different catering environments, from conventions . The event organized by the Istituto Internazionale di Ricerca was a . IN FIERA DIRETTAMENTE al vostro stand prodotti freschissimi. Catering in fiera, colazioni, panini, sandwich e insalate.
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