There are trains running frequently all year round between the five villages during the day. The trains run in each . Travel by Train from La Spezia Centrale to Riomaggiore in 07m. Get train times and buy train tickets for La Spezia Centrale to Riomaggiore. GoEuro helps you find the cheapest and fastest routes.
Trains La Spezia to Riomaggiore : times, prices and cheap tickets online for all trains from La Spezia to Riomaggiore.
Find the cheapest train ticket from La Spezia to Riomaggiore. Most trains stop in Riomaggiore , Monterosso, Levanto and La Spezia. We are suppose to meet the owner of apartment we are renting in Riomaggiore at the train station. Where can I find a train schedule from La Spezia to Cinque Terre ? Also, which train station in La Spezia would be best to use?
We will be in port there for one day via a cruise ship. From the south, take the train to La Spezia , where you change to a regional ( Regionale) train that makes all the local stops in the Cinque Terre. All the Cinque Terre towns have their own train station.